Milk Thistle Capsules (Liver) Black Vegan Shop

Milk Thistle Capsules (Liver Detox)

$30.99 $38.99 -21% OFF

Milk Thistle Capsules (Liver Detox)

$30.99 $38.99 -21% OFF

Milk Thistle Capsules (Liver Detox)

$30.99 $38.99 -21% OFF
Product description

Milk Thistle Seed Powder (Silybum Marianum)

Liver Detox

DOSAGE: Vegetable Capsules (500mg Each)

with various sizes at an amazing Price and

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Botanical Name

Silybum Marianum

This product is 100% single ingredient manufactured without the use of additives, this product is GMO, BSE, and TSE Free

Milk thistle is used most often for liver disorders, including liver damage caused by chemicals, Amanita phalloides mushroom poisoning, jaundice, chronic inflammatory liver disease, and chronic hepatitis. Nevertheless, researchers have not yet concluded with certainty that milk thistle is effective for any of these uses.

Milk thistle is also used for loss of appetite, heartburn (dyspepsia), and gallbladder complaints.

Some people use milk thistle for diabetes, hangover, diseases of the spleen, malaria, depression, uterine complaints, increasing breast milk flow, allergy symptoms, and starting menstrual flow.

In foods, milk thistle leaves and flowers are eaten as a vegetable for salads and a substitute for spinach. The seeds are roasted for use as a coffee substitute.

Milk thistle gets its name from the milky sap that comes out of the leaves when they are broken. The leaves also have unique white markings that, according to legend, were the Virgin Mary’s milk. Don’t confuse milk thistle with blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus)

The milk thistle is served in two to four capsules at ago. However, you should consult your medical practitioner before taking this product.

Milk Thistle Capsules (Liver Detox)

$30.99 $38.99 -21% OFF
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