Soursop Leaves 100 (Superfood) Sebi Recommended Black Vegan Shop

Soursop Leaves 100 (Superfood) Sebi Recommended

$19.99 $25.99 -24% OFF

Soursop Leaves 100 (Superfood) Sebi Recommended

$19.99 $25.99 -24% OFF

Soursop Leaves 100 (Superfood) Sebi Recommended

$19.99 $25.99 -24% OFF
Product description

100 Freshly Packed Soursop Leaves. Graviola Leaves

It is empirically soursop leaf is widely said to treat rheumatism, stiffness, fibroids, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and gout. Simply, soursop leaves boiled with 5 cups of water until remaining 3 cups, according to a researcher can cure back pain. Meanwhile, leaves boiled for half an hour, then the water is drunk to anti-seizure drug. Nutrients in soursop leaves efficacious expedite the process of hormonal metabolism in the body. Moreover, soursop leaves also have a diuretic effect. When consumed regularly, urine secretion will be more smooth. Therefore soursop leaves also widely used to treat symptoms of back pain and difficulty urinating. With a diuretic effect, the secretion of uric acid in the urine can run smoothly for reducing blood uric acid levels.

Take a small hand full of leaves, rinse thoroughly, add 3 sticks of Negro Pepper and boil with a full pot of water (at least a gallon) for about 5 minutes until the color changes to a yellow/green.

Strain and add sugar, ginger & Moringa powder shown above(like I do!) and drink hot in the morning, frozen, slushy style in the afternoons or iced tea for dinner in the evening.

Do NOT throw away the leaves!

They can be reused 2 or 3x if you don't over boil. Put them in a plastic back in the freezer and use again the next day until they no longer change the color of the water.

Soursop Leaves 100 (Superfood) Sebi Recommended

$19.99 $25.99 -24% OFF
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