Whole Leaf Irish Moss Sea Moss 1 lb | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Raw Irish Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods!
In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!
The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).
Take one Irish moss leaf at ago