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Longjack Tongkat Ali Extract Powder
100 Grams Tongkat Ali 200:1 Root Extract Powder
Origin : Indonesia, Parts Used: Root
This is the dark Tongkat Ali 200:1 Root Extract, its water based Extraction
What is Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a tree native to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The part of the tree used medicinally is the root.
Why Do People Use Tongkat Ali
It has been used in Malaysia for many years by men to increase sexual desire, libido, sexual performance and to treat erectile dysfunction.
Tongkat ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility, and sexual desire. Because of its testosterone-enhancing properties, tongkat ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Critical organs in ejaculations, as well as erection firmness, are the levator ani muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles can be trained through Kegel exercises (an essential part of commercial penis enlargement programs), which, however, are very time-consuming for limited results. On the other hand, it has been shown in a scientific study that tongkat ali can cause a substantial increase in the size of these muscles in particular (an off-shot of the increased activity of testicular Leydig cells).
Product Information
Tongkat Ali : A natural extract for the best sex of your life at any age.
200:1 means; It takes 200 ounces of Regular Root Powder to make 1 ounce of this Extract
Very Potent, 100% Fresh, 100% Pure, 100% Pharmacetuical Grade, 100% Satisifaction Guarantee
Sexual Enhancer
Tongkat Ali has testosterone enhancing properties and raise testosterone by stimulating the Leydig cells. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, and prostate. The testicles and surrounding tissue will grow in size. The mass gain also influences sexual function, especially erections and ejaculations.
Due to its testosterone-enhancing properties, Tongkat Ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Male fertility
Tongkat Ali can help enhance male fertility with regard to higher semen volumes and sperm concentration. It is effective for increasing libido, and enhancing sexual performance.
Increase Energy level
Tongkat Ali can also increase energy levels, helping fight fatigue. It may help increase HGH (human growth hormone). HGH lowers as we age; a person at sixty has about twenty percent of the HGH of a twenty year old.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*
With Tongkat Ali You will experience:
Strong and prolonged erections
Increases sexuality
Improved orgasm
Increases penis size
Support healthy blood circulation
Decrease body fat
Slow the aging process
Scientific Name(s): Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Family: Simaroubaceae
Common Name(s): Tongkat Ali (Malaysia), Pasak bumi (Indonesia), Cay Ba Binh (tree that cures hundred of diseases), Malaysian ginseng
How does it work?
The root of Eurycoma longifolia contains several chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some of the chemicals seem to affect how the body produces the hormone testosterone. Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.
The root and bark of Eurycoma longifolia are used for treating erectile dysfunction (ED), increasing interest in sex, boosting athletic performance, body building, and reducing body fat. Eurycoma longifolia is also used for fever, malaria, ulcers, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, bone pain, cough, diarrhea,headache, syphilis, and cancer.