Rare Sour Sop Capsules (Graviola) Rare Sour Sop Capsules (Graviola)
Rare Sour Sop Capsules (Graviola) from $16.99 $24.99
Soursop: The Vitamin C Superfruit   It is empirically soursop leaf is widely said to treat rheumatism, stiffness, and pain, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and gout. Simply, soursop leaves boiled with 5 cups of water until remaining 3 cups, according to a researcher can cure back pain. Meanwhile, leaves boiled for half an hour, then the water is drunk to anti-seizure drug. Nutrients in soursop leaves efficacious expedite the process of hormonal metabolism in the body. Moreover, soursop leaves also have a diuretic effect. When consumed regularly, urine secretion will be more smooth. Therefore soursop leaves also widely used to treat symptoms of back pain and difficulty urinating. With a diuretic effect, the secretion of uric acid in the urine can run smoothly for reducing blood uric acid levels.   1. Filled with Beneficial Antioxidants that May Help Reduce Eye Disease Many of the potential guanabana benefits are thought to be derived from its antioxidant properties. (1) Studies show that the phytonutrients found in the fruit are high in antioxidant compounds, including alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, coumarins, lactones, anthraquinones, tannins, cardiac glycosides, phenols and phytosterols. This is quite a group that can help fight disease-causing cells and even block tumor growth. (2) Additional studies have reported that antioxidants may also help with eye disease. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study led by the National Eye Institute found antioxidants to be useful, especially when consumed as a cocktail of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and zinc. In one study, this combination actually lowered the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration by 25 percent in those who already had the disease. (3) 2. Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties Extracts from graviola leaves have shown anti-inflammatory properties in addition to their antimicrobial characteristics, making soursop a versatile anti-inflammatory food. Studies indicate that soursop may also be a natural anti-infection treatment for root canals. Often dangerous chemicals, such as sodium hypochlorite (a form of bleach), are used to irrigate the root canal to prevent infection. However, the dangers of these chemicals can pose health hazards. A study published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice shows that the use of graviola to irrigate the root canal is very effective, making it a much healthier option. (4) 3. May Help Fight Cancer If you’ve ever wondered which fruits are good for cancer patients, soursop may top the charts due to its anti-cancer effects. Research published in Food & Function reports that bioactive components of graviola leaf extracts may have positive cancer-fighting properties. This is due to the free radical scavenging abilities and antioxidant enzymes they contain, thus helping to eliminate cancer cells. (5) It’s believed that the guanabana leaves kill cancer cells by blocking ATP production. ATP, aka adenosine triphosphate, is a usable form of energy for cells. This energy is contained within a chemical bond that, if released, can be used to foster other activity within the cells. (6) However, the graviola leaf extract can help block this activity, which may reduce the impact of the cancer cells by breaking them down until they fall apart. This is known as apoptosis or programmed cell death. Additionally, scientists at the Tepic Institute of Technology (Instituto Tecnológico de Tepic – ITT) in Mexico discovered acetogenins in the soursop fruit, which hold potent chemotherapeutic properties. (7) So is gaunabana good for cancer? Keep in mind that current research is limited to in vitro studies, so it’s difficult to determine how soursop may affect the growth and development of cancer cells in humans. More studies are needed before experts can really determine whether the anti-cancer effects of soursop apply to the general population as well. It does, however, show potential as a cancer-fighting food. 4. Potentially Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells Graviola extract has shown an ability to help kill numerous types of cancer cells, specifically pancreatic cancer cells. A study conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that the extract can greatly reduce pancreatic cancer. Because cancer cells have more glucose, cell growth is typically enhanced as well as tumor growth. However, in this study, cells that were treated with graviola extract decreased their glucose uptake when compared to untreated cells. This decrease can make it difficult for the bad cells to multiply and grow. This helps block the spread of cancer. (8) 5. Treats Infections Graviola is often used to treat infections caused by bacteria and parasites, including leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a disease that’s transmitted through the bite of sand fleas. It’s also been used to treat herpes, coughing and vomiting. Bacterial and viral infections can cause coughing, sneezing, fever and more symptoms. While these symptoms may be frustrating, they’re effective since they’re part of the method that the body uses to trigger the immune system to get to work ridding the body of any infection. Graviola and graviola tea may be able to efficiently fight the infection and get you back on your feet.      
Ginseng - Siberian - Eleuthero Root Capsules Black Vegan Shop Ginseng - Siberian - Eleuthero Root Capsules Black Vegan Shop
Ginseng - Siberian - Eleuthero Root Capsules from $19.99 $29.99
Ginseng - Siberian - Eleuthero Root Powder Vegetable Capsules 500mg Each Siberian ginseng is, in general, completely nontoxic, and the Russians have reported people using exceptionally large doses for up to 20 years with no adverse reactions. Both Asian and American ginseng, on the other hand, do have several limitation on their use. Siberian ginseng, in my experience, produces cumulative results: the longer you use it, the better it works. It tends to kick in after 6 weeks or so, and the most significant results can be seen after 6 months of use. This is especially true in people with pale unhealthy skin, lassitude, and depression. Siberian ginseng is specifically indicated for people with depression, fatigue, and a lack of vitality and perhaps those who get sick a lot. Unlike Echinacea, it is not an immune stimulant, rather, it is an immune enhancer and helps restore optimum functioning in the immune system. As it is a mono-amine oxidase inhibitor, it is also useful in depression, a condition that often accompanies a severely depleted immune system. Contains bitter compounds that help the body respond more quickly to stress. These compounds increase the production of DNA, RNA and proteins essential to all life processes. They also stimulate the adrenal, pancreas, and pituitary glands to lower blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Ginseng also increases the production of digestive fluids and is a mild sedative. It has been used to treat anemia, impotence, insomnia, diarrhea, fatigue debility, weak digestion and failing memory. Siberian ginseng is said to lack the hormonal like side effects of panax but, in fact, has estrogenic activity just as panax does. Siberian ginseng is used primarily to enhance endurance, regulate blood sugar and stimulate immune function. It has traditionally been used to treat hypoglycemia, lethargy, immune deficiency and improve memory, appetite and general health. Siberian ginseng contains saponins called eleuthrosides that are similar chemically to the saponins in panax. These chemicals have become known as adaptogens. An adaptogens is a non toxic compound that increases resistance to physical, chemical and emotional stress. These compounds seem only to be activated when one is under stress. They then work to increase the activity of natural killer cells and other immune cells and chemicals. They also increase the efficiency with which oxygen is delivered to individual cells. These compounds also have a broad effect on the glandular system. Blood sugar and pressure are said to be normalized and adrenal and thyroid hormones are stimulated. When Siberian ginseng is taken in combination with aerobic exercise, natural killer cells are mobilized and activated. Indeed, the activation continues for up to 24 hours after the exercise program. With exercise alone natural killer cell mobilization only lasts two hours and activation of these cells never does occur. This fact may explain many of the longevity and anti-aging claims proposed for the herb. The serving size of the Siberia ginseng is 1 to two capsules, however, you should consult your medical practitioner before using it. 
(Superfood) Aronia Berry 4:1 Extract - Chokeberry Powder Black Vegan Shop (Superfood) Aronia Berry 4:1 Extract - Chokeberry Powder Black Vegan Shop
(Superfood) Aronia Berry 4:1 Extract - Chokeberry Powder from $19.95 $29.99
Aronia Extract 4:1 Common Name: AroniaBotanical Name: Aronia arbutifolia, Aronia melanocarpaOther names: ChokeberryGrowing Area: Native to North America and Europe; often found growing in swamps or damp woods Aronia Extract 4:1 Common Name: AroniaBotanical Name: Aronia arbutifolia, Aronia melanocarpaOther names: ChokeberryGrowing Area: Native to North America and Europe; often found growing in swamps or damp woods   General Info:The extremely hardy Aronia shrub reaches about 2-5 meters in height and withstands pollution, salt and swampy conditions and is resistant to many diseases. The leaves of the deciduous shrub turn a bold red color in the autumn.It produces small white-pink flowers and very bitter, pea-sized purple/black fruit clusters that are often used in jam and winemaking. Nutrients & Applications:The ORAC value of Aronia is one of the highest ever recorded. Its extremely rich antioxidant content may be beneficial for reducing oxidative stress to promote optimal health.Aronia may support the maintenance of healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels and aid with proper digestion. It is also said to enhance the immune and circulatory systems and is used to support healthy retinal function as well as urinary tract health.   DOSAGE:   Take one and a half teaspoons (DAILY) that is approximately three grams.
Organic Beet Root Capsules Black Vegan Shop Organic Beet Root Capsules Black Vegan Shop
Organic Beet Root Capsules from $14.95 $19.99
Organic Beet Root Powder Vegetable Capsules - 500mg Each (Beta vulgaris) 500mg Each   Also known as Beta vulgaris Introduction In ancient times, beets had elongated roots like carrots and the globular red beet we now eat was only hybridized about 300 years ago. Beets have the highest sugar content of all the vegetables and are becoming popularly used as a sweetening substitute. Beet juice and beet powder are used to flavor carrot, celery, and other vegetable juices, and also to color a variety of foods. Beets, or at least the leaves of the beet, have been used since before recorded history. Charred beet roots were found among Neolithic remains at an excavation site in the Netherlands. The Sea beet, the ancestor of the modern cultivated beet, was probably domesticated somewhere along the Mediterranean. Both the roots and leaves have been used in folk medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments since the time of the Romans, who used them for fever and constipation. Hippocrates used the leaves as a binding for wounds. In the Talmud, the rabbis recommended "eating beet root, drinking mead, and bathing in the Euphrates" as part of a prescription for a long and healthy life. During the middle ages, Platina in his De Honesta (1460) noted that beet root was good for bad breath, especially "garlic breath". Constituents Betaine (the same as the nutritional supplement trimethylglycine, not the same as betaine hydrochloride), and also alanine, alantoin, arginine, beta-carotene, calcium, fiber (about 10% by weight), GABA, glycine, histidine, magnesium, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), phosphorous, potassium, selenium, thiamine (vitamin B1), tryptophan, tyrosine, vitamin C, zinc, and, interestingly, although not in nutritionally significant amounts, zirconium. Parts Used The dried root, powdered. May be administered directly, whipped into a smoothie or drink, or sprinkled on food Summary Beet powder provides a wide range of nutrients, but its most significant phytochemical is betaine.